Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heart Carved Tree Trunk

When our lives finally met it was like two cogs or gears finally clicking into alignment. They were always meant to run adjacent to one another so it was no surprise how smoothly they adjusted. Soon they were spinning faster and more vibrantly then ever before. It would seem they have spun too fast because as soon as we were united time sped up. This past month has flashed before our eyes like so many beautiful photographs. Pictures of smiles, sun drenched walks, your hand in mine and a certain heart carved tree trunk. Love is what we have found. Of this I am certain. You make me smile. You are devine. You are more than that but words cannot really describe. What we have is special and rare. The knowledge of my impending departure jabs at me like hot poker. I cannot stand the thought of being away from you. I hope I am strong enough. Perhaps it is the anticipation of my leaving that is the worst. Once I have school to focus on I may relaxe into the distance. This is what I am hoping for. Cause for now babe, its looking like the worst thing ever. I keep hearing the last verse of Yankee Bayonet in my head. "Oh my love though our bodies may be parted though our skin may not touch skin, look for me with the sun bright sparrow I will come on the breath of the wind"

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