Monday, September 20, 2010

The Show Must Go On

So today I hosted a going away party for me and a couple of my other college bound friends. The party was going great and so many people whom I adore were there. I stepped into my room to be alone for a moment and then I felt the world stop turning, my past glowing like beautiful street lamps behind me. Familiar, comforting. My future like the vegas strip ahead of me. Exciting, colorful. It all hit me in an instant nearly overwhelming me. This is the biggest transition of my life. So I took a deep breath, turned towards the street lamps seeing they were fading then turned towards the neon signs and billboards. Ready or not, here I come I thought to myself. I can't wait to start this new chapter of my life but I will never forget all of the people who got me here. I love you all.

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