Friday, October 8, 2010

College Life

I've been here in Eugene for two and a half weeks now. Everything is so new. The transition has been jarring. It seems like everyday I have met one hundred new people and learned one hundred new things about living in Eugene and going to school at the University of Oregon. The shift is difficult but exciting at the same time. This new level of independence leaves me open to do as I please whenever I want and where ever I want. It forces me to create my own structure which is sometimes nerve wracking. Not knowing what I am going to be doing or who I am going to be hanging out with at any given time is strange. But it does allow me to be pretty spontaneous which is fun. I am a Theatre Arts major so I am focusing on what I truly love at an extremely elevated level. I have History of Theatre, Shakespeare and Acting. All of which are very intriguing. Acting class actually is keeping me sane. It is so much fun. My GTF (Graduate Teaching Fellow) for that class is incredible. The first week of school wore me out to the point of being sick for the last four days. I think I am getting better but I am still feeling pretty exhausted. I am hoping to become accustomed to this lifestyle soon. I cannot deal with being this tired all the time. It really takes a toll. Aside from all this complaining, college has been really fun and new so far!!

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