Monday, October 25, 2010

Jubilant Again

Today was a really good day. I really feel like I killed my Theatre History midterm. Then I had a really good Acting class. After that I had my first rehearsal for 365 plays which was a whole lot of fun. I am so excited for the rest of the process. More detail about the rehearsal can be found on my other blog. After that I had dinner at Hamilton with some of my favorite people from my dorm and then I met up with Tessa and we headed over to my friend Liz's new apartment. She was originally living in the dorms but it wasn't working out so now she has this awesome apartment slightly off campus. Got some good studying done there. Walking from the car back to my dorm when we got back I slipped in the mud. So I decided to change into my pajama pants. I am now sitting here at my desk and I am quite comfy. I kind of feel like going to bed early tonight but this hall really doesn't sleep until like 2:00 on any given night so that may not be possible. It is already nearly 10:30 and I feel lame for being in pajamas. I have been feeling a lot happier lately. My optimism and jubilance seem to be returning. This is wonderful. Also, I am headed back to Portland this weekend and that has me extremely excited. I miss my family, girlfriend and hometown. Reconnecting with them is going to be amazing.

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