Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Every 10 Seconds

I feel like I am at a crossroads in my summer/life. At this point I may have completely ruined things with her but I am not sure. Things can go one of two ways now, either we get back on good terms, continue dating and go back to being happy or we continue to fight until we get fed up with each other and split. I certainly hope it is the former, because I really do like her. I just have a habit of saying stupid things. I heard somewhere once that every 10 seconds a man says something stupid that a woman punishes him for. I think this is very true and I am probably part of the reason this occurrence is so common on planet earth (and probably other planets). The filter between my brain and my mouth needs some maintenance I think haha. Any who, I am trying to see her tonight. Will tonight hold the moment in which I finally know which road I am destined to go down? That is yet to be determined.

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