Thursday, July 15, 2010

Raspberry Ride

This afternoon I decided to get some exercise. My brilliant plan was to ride my bike to the library in Hillsdale and check out some books. Unfortunately the best road to use, Multnomah Boulevard was under heavy construction so I decided to ride in the opposite direction to Burgerville! There I helped myself to a fresh raspberry milkshake which was WONDERFUL!! Totally defeated the purpose of the exercise but I regret nothing! Haha I'd do it again to! Afternoon well spent I'd say. Now I'm kicking back and watching the Big Lebowski. Also I am quite excited because next week I will be helping out at the same camp she works at downtown. Its called MetroArts kids camp and tons of people I know work there. I am thoroughly thrilled to be able to do some artsy stuff next week. I have no idea what to expect but I've only heard good things! The director of the whole camp is Clara Hillier who has directed and costumed Wilson shows in the past. I texted her and asked if she needed anymore help with camp and she does!! YAY!!

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