Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm a Steamroller Baby

I have been having such a wonderful week. Metroarts Camp is the best thing I've done all summer. You really can't beat helping cute little kids learn how to do things that you love (acting and making music mainly). I am eternally grateful to her for turning me on to it. The only difficulty has been trying to cram lifeguarding (my paying job) and Metroarts into the same week. Its exhausting but totally worth it. Pounding the pavement in Downtown Portland is giving me shin splints but I really don't care. Thats easily remedied with Advil. My caffeine addiction has reared its ugly head again, but I think its only to make up for lack of sleep. I get to hang out with all the coolest drama people in Portland at camp, well almost all. Its so much fun!!! And I can feel my inspiration returning. The artistic juices are flowing in my brain again after a long draught. It is such a great feeling. Its liberating. I can express myself again. I'm gonna milk this inspiration for all its worth so expect to see some songs, poems, or scripts very soon :)

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