Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Day

I am feeling much better today. I got up early for a lifeguard inservice from 7 to 9 and I have an actual shift later from 1 to 6. I feel a lot healthier today mentally and physically. I am a little tired cause I only got five or six hours of sleep last night but other than that I am good! I haven't yet heard from her yet today which leads me to believe she is probably busy with the camp she works at. I really hope I get to see her today after work. That would be most lovely. Feeling quite hopeful today. A quote that keeps coming to mind that I rather enjoy is "Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift and thats why they call it the present". Its very true even if sometimes I forget that. She does a very good job of reminding me of this fact. I'll probably go downstairs soon and have a relaxing lunch before I hop in the shower and try to wake up a bit before my shift starts. Lifeguarding is not a terrible job even if sometimes it can be nerve-racking and monotonous. Money is money and I am in dire need of it for school and for life. However, my goal in life is not to be wealthy. It is simply to be happy :)

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