Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Vibrations

Today has been a rather good day so far. Woke up, showered, had a Quesadilla and watched the Simpsons (a show that never fails to make me laugh). Last night went well, we watched a movie and had a lot of fun. Today she is at camp again and I am left to find stuff to do around the house. This is totally fine because I have plenty of stuff to do but I really wish that I was also helping with this camp. Its and arts camp!!! I freaking love the arts and I'm pretty good with kids. I texted the director of the camp to see if there is any chance that I can help out in any way before the camp is over. If she says yes then I may have a very fun non-paying activity to go along with the paying job I already have (Lifeguarding). I definitely need some artsy stuff in my life right now. I've been trying to fill the void by reading and seeing plays (currently reading Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand) but it doesn't seem to be quite enough haha. Hopefully this camp thing works out. If not I will just have to compensate by spending my whole summer budget on live theatre and used copies of plays. Of course, I do have a complete works of Shakespeare that I could start chipping away at. Well no matter what happens, I am sure to have a wonderful summer. You know why? Cause I said so!

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